miércoles, 7 de junio de 2017

Hi Friends..! I will talk about my favorite serie, “Dragon ball Z”
My favorite serie is “Dragon Ball z”, It is a serie the years 80, in my childhood I watch Dragon ball after I get of school. In my free time I was play to fight as the personage of serie. I like “Dragon ball z” because is easy understand the context and also because the personage are funny, all my best friends of high school watch this serie.
 The kind of series that I like are serie the action (super hero) as “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.S”, “Agent Carter”, “Daredevil”, “The Punisher” and “ The Walking dead”, also the continue of Dragon Ball z that now is “Dragon ball super”, though the new episode are bored in my free time  I watch the serie.
I would like watch a serie called “Nation Z”, my friend Nacho say that is a serie funny, is a serie of zombie, I like the serie of zombie because I learn something new for live.
   " Hasta la vista Baby, I will be back"
 Resultado de imagen de dragon ball z

 Resultado de imagen de dragon ball z

2 comentarios:

  1. I knew that it is your favorite series haha because you are Vegeta hahaha. My favorite series is Sherlock Holmes.

  2. hello, my dream of child was to find the dragon star.
