martes, 11 de julio de 2017

Hi my friends, This is my last blog of the semester, Today I will talk about my experience using blogs in the English class. 

Resultado de imagen para escribiendo memePersonally I have never been a good writer and less writing in English. My experience was bad writing in classes, because I felt compelled to write, if I did not learn to make a sentence as they want me to write a text, I should never be at this level because I was not prepared enough, in classes I did not feel comfortable because of Everything they talked about comprised only 5%. Writing in classes served to realize that I did not learn anything during the previous years and in this semester I only learned some new words, at least now I can say "hello, how are you?" "I'm fine thanks and you" . I do not know what I would like to include but could include more free topics to write blogs and I would like to write about religious topics, several of my colleagues are believers of God therefore it would be very interesting to talk about religion, this topic is important because it would help us to understand different points of view and meet my colleagues even more.

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