martes, 11 de julio de 2017

Hi my friends, This is my last blog of the semester, Today I will talk about my experience using blogs in the English class. 

Resultado de imagen para escribiendo memePersonally I have never been a good writer and less writing in English. My experience was bad writing in classes, because I felt compelled to write, if I did not learn to make a sentence as they want me to write a text, I should never be at this level because I was not prepared enough, in classes I did not feel comfortable because of Everything they talked about comprised only 5%. Writing in classes served to realize that I did not learn anything during the previous years and in this semester I only learned some new words, at least now I can say "hello, how are you?" "I'm fine thanks and you" . I do not know what I would like to include but could include more free topics to write blogs and I would like to write about religious topics, several of my colleagues are believers of God therefore it would be very interesting to talk about religion, this topic is important because it would help us to understand different points of view and meet my colleagues even more.

Hi my friends, today I will talk about my favorite subject this semester

Resultado de imagen para odontologia
One of my favorite subjects this semester in the university was “simulacion”, because in this matter everything is joy. We spend well with my classmates, we do not spend money buying materials, there is no pressure, we enjoy every hour, and the best thing about this subject is that we enter late to class, the teachers are very good and we listen to music in classes. In this matter I learned how to be a real dentist, I had fun every day doing restorations, I learned to play with plaster and every tooth that broke gave me back, I also learned how to use dental tools and cement to stick teeth. I like “simulación” because dentistry is my passion and I enjoy it whenever I'm in the laboratory worked with teeth, I always wanted to study dentistry for how much fun it sounds, all dentistry students have a lot of free time thanks to this subject because there is no Study a lot, so I can write this blog. 

miércoles, 14 de junio de 2017

Good afternoon Friends..! Today I will talk about a career-related website.

In my first year of career, “Odontology” of the University of Chile, in the subject “Anatomy” I did use the website “”. Morfo is teaching support site for students of the University of Chile in the study of the morphological sciences and anatomy applied to the Clinic. This website has imagines human body, imagines of histology, videos about lessons of anatomy and also has test in real time, with questions and answers with alternative and true and false, also has the “Gincanas” that are test with imagines about human body and we have that identify the part that is marked by a white or red arrow
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I use visit the site before of test Anatomy to study about the test that has Morfo, but always  I was looking imagines for the test. This webside I like because is easy to study, has very things import, the teacher have access for upload files about the class and tests.

Bye Friends…!!! 

miércoles, 7 de junio de 2017

Hi Friends..! I will talk about my favorite serie, “Dragon ball Z”
My favorite serie is “Dragon Ball z”, It is a serie the years 80, in my childhood I watch Dragon ball after I get of school. In my free time I was play to fight as the personage of serie. I like “Dragon ball z” because is easy understand the context and also because the personage are funny, all my best friends of high school watch this serie.
 The kind of series that I like are serie the action (super hero) as “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.S”, “Agent Carter”, “Daredevil”, “The Punisher” and “ The Walking dead”, also the continue of Dragon Ball z that now is “Dragon ball super”, though the new episode are bored in my free time  I watch the serie.
I would like watch a serie called “Nation Z”, my friend Nacho say that is a serie funny, is a serie of zombie, I like the serie of zombie because I learn something new for live.
   " Hasta la vista Baby, I will be back"
 Resultado de imagen de dragon ball z

 Resultado de imagen de dragon ball z

miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2017

Hi friends..!!! Today I will talk about my favorite photograph…

This photograph was taken in the “Cerro San Cristobal” with my best friends of high school, two year after of we graduate, the name of my friends are Jean, Carlos, Ivan and Nicolas.  I remember that to take the photograph we need help, one person that been near took the photograph. This photograph show fighting position the “Fuerzas Ginyu” that are a group of killer in the Tv series named “Dragon ball Z”. In the photograph Jean is “Guldo”, Carlos is “Jeice”, Ivan is “Recoome”, Nicolas is “Burter” and I am “Ginyu”. Also remember that my cell phone did not have energy to continue working.

I like photograph because is some in common that I have with my friends, always in the meeting we talk about this Tv series, also because I am with my best friends, always we fun together.

Bye my fiends...!!! This is my five post....!!!

La imagen puede contener: 4 personas

miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2017

Hi my friends, I will talk about my pets. Though now I do not have pets.

In my childhood I had a dog named “Laico”, this dog was my friend for long time, Laico was very important for my life, Laico was very playful dog and always jumped in every the place. Your name was chose for my grandmothers because Laico was the dog of my grandmother but this dog did not obey to her. In the future I would like have a dog because with a dog I could jogging in the hill, I could walk safe for the street, I could play every day. I thing that I would not have exotic pets because I have pain and I do not know many different or exotic animals. Now I do not have pets because I do not have in place when I can take care but I would like have other Laico.

lunes, 8 de mayo de 2017

Hi friends..!!! Today I am of good humor and I will talk about my favorite piece technology…
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My favorite piece technology in my flashlight with portable charger, this flashlight is a present of my father of various years ago. I use my flashlight when I go the university because the street is very dark in the moment of goes to take the bus o when the light is cut in the neighborhood, the other use that the flashlight have is the portable charger, this function I use always to recharge my cell phone and my smart watch, I think that this I like because is a present of my father but also think that I like because it is very useful. My life would be different because every day I would have my phone and my smart watch with 0% of the electric charge.